Bo Aung Kyaw Street Declaration (summary)
August 29, 1990
The joint declaration by UNLD and NLD
August 29, 1990
The joint declaration by UNLD and NLD
“(i) After the emergence of the Pyithu Hluttaw (Union Assembly or Federal Parliament), this Hluttaw shall form the elected government at the earliest time, then the Pyithu Hluttaw shall organize to convene a "National Consultative Convention" consisting of the representatives from all the nationalities, and other personages that are deemed necessary to take part in this convention. This convention shall lay down general guidelines for the Constitution of the Union. The Pyithu Hluttaw shall draw up, approve, and enact the constitution of the Union in compliance with above general guidelines.
(ii) All nationalities shall have full rights of equality, racially as well as politically, and, in addition to having the full rights of self-determination, it is necessary to build a Union with a unity of all the nationalities which guarantees democracy and basic human rights.”
Cited from The Role of UNLD in The Struggle for Democracy and Federalism in Burma by Lian H. Sakhong.
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